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Take your LinkedIn profile from beginner to All-Star Status in less than 60 minutes

We have redesigned more than 50 LinkedIn profiles ranging from CEOs to sales teams. We know what works and what doesn't.

  • Save time with a actionable course that can be completed in less than an hour
  • Redesign your profile with the latest trends
  • Optimise for opportunities 
  • Stand out in the crowd
Get Access for $19






Results: Before and After

linkedin profile redesign
LinkedIn profile redesign to all-star status
linkedin profile beginner
LinkedIn profile redesign to all-star status
linkedin profile beginner
LinkedIn profile redesign to all-star status



Who this was made for?

Who is this for?

Created for anyone who wants to leverage LinkedIn and optimise their profile for opportunities.

10 value-packed lessons featuring a live demonstration of my cat Frito having his profile made (as voted by my LinkedIn community):

1) How to edit your profile picture for maximum effect
2) Making a tagline that shows your value within 5 seconds
3) Making a header that doubles-down on your value
4) Why you should have Creator Mode enabled
5) How to know which hashtags to use for reach
6) Taking advantage of your featured section for conversions
7) Writing the perfect "About" section to win an audience
8) Formatting the best "Experience" section for crawlability
9) Adding the most beneficial skills
10) How to level up your profile with endorsements

Bonus: Includes the Niche Builder from The Social Selling System.


What's inside?


Lesson 1

Profile Picture

  • Learn the ins and outs of how to create a visually appealing LinkedIn profile picture that increases visits.
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Lesson 2


  • Create a unique tagline for yourself that shows your value within 5 seconds of reading it.
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Lesson 3


  • Having a visually appealing header with a statement of value can set you apart for increased connection requests and followers.
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Lesson 4

Creator Mode

  • Understand why Creator Mode offers you more opportunities on LinkedIn and how to take full advantage of its benefits.
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Lesson 5


  • Using hashtags can increase your organic reach on the platform, learn how to take advantage of hashtags for your own benefit.
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Lesson 6


  • One way to set yourself apart is to have a featured section that's optimised for conversions, learn how to make the most of it.
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Lesson 7


  • You can win an audience over with your About Section or alienate them, I'll give you a template I use to write About Sections that are effective at building trust.
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Lesson 8


  • The Experience Section is the easiest place to build credibility on your profile, having a complete section is vital for increased visibility and opportunity.
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Lesson 9


  • You can have up to 50 skills on your profile but it's important to choose the right ones depending on your objective, I'll help you claim the best ones.
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Lesson 10


  • Social proof is a key for building trust and relationships, I'll show you how to gain trust with endorsements.
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All The Insight You Need To Make an All-Star LinkedIn Profile

Having made over 50+ profiles, this methodology is tried and tested and has resulted in incredible opportunities for our clients.

Unlock The Beginner to All-Star Profile Course


Lifetime Access

  • 1 hours of content
  • 10 actionable lessons
  • Guaranteed All-Star Status
  • Niche Builder
  • Live demonstration of a profile being made
  • Money-back guarantee
Unlock Access for $19